
Perenial garden design
Perenial garden design

Wheat – like all other cereal crop, as well as economically-important crops like bamboo – is a grass ( Poaceae family). Most people think of ‘wheatgrass’ as a somewhat exotic microgreen, but botanically-speaking, it’s actually just the young, embryonic leaf (cotyledon) of the wheat plant ( Triticum aestivum). Whether they were in the so-called tailings pond whose contents burst Pedro Antonio Molinas, a water resources engineer and mining industryĭid not respond to questions about whether it used the compounds or Will be serious problems using the water from the river now,” says Toxicity to aquatic organisms.” They can also raise PH levels to a Some of the compounds, according to the website of Air Products, aĬompany that produces them, “are not readily biodegradable and have high Recent years, the compounds are commonly used at Brazilian mines, To mining industry research and scientific literature published in Weeks, giving a better idea of the contents of the mining waste.Ĭause for concern is that compounds known as ether amines could haveīeen used at the mine to separate silica from the iron ore, in order to Testing the river water and results should be published over the coming “Many regions will never be the same,” he says. Tributaries that carried the mud there that the very course of watershed The heavy mud hardens, Laschesfki says, it will make farming difficult.Īnd so much silt will settle along the bottom of the Rio Doce and the “To say the mud is not a health risk is overly simplistic.” Laschesfki, professor of geosciences at the Federal University of Minas Rescued from the flood to wash thoroughly and dispose of clothes thatĪlready clear wildlife is being killed by this mud,” said Klemens Mineração SA, a joint venture between mining giants Vale SA and BHPīilliton and owner of the mine, has repeatedly said the mud is notĮnvironmental experts disagree. Riverbanks and farmland where floodwater passed. Harden, reduce oxygen levels in the water and diminish the fertility of Reduce iron ore impurities, could alter the course of streams as they Say the sediment, which may contain chemicals used by the mine to The Gulf of Mexico and Environment Minister Izabella Teixeira called it Sheer volume of water disgorged by the dams and laden with mineral wasteĪcross nearly 500 km is staggering: 60 million cubic meters, theĮquivalent of 25,000 Olympic swimming pools or the volume carried byĭilma Rousseff compared the damage to the 2010 oil spill by BP PLC in People were killed, 19 are still listed as missing and 500 people wereĭisplaced from their homes when the dams burst at an iron ore mine in Sediment that could wreck the ecosystem for years to come. Million people and saturated waterways downstream with dense orange Two dams at a Brazilian mine has cut off drinking water for quarter of a General view from above of a dam owned by Vale SA and BHP Billiton Ltd that burst, in Mariana, Brazil, November 10, 2015.

Perenial garden design